
The Pixel Project is a 7-week long event where students work with mentors on company proposed projects, or their own. The event includes 4 workshops to guide you through your project, 2 work sessions to receive feedbacks from industry mentors, and a final presentation to showcase your work.

Why Should You Participate?

Land an internship or a full time job

Our sponsors come to the event to hire talents for internships and full time positions. Your information from the RSVP Form will go into a resume book, which the companies will use to further reach out.

Learn and practice your skills

It is a great opportunity to fine-tune what you’ve learned in the classroom and gain new employable skills through a company sponsored project.

Receive mentorships and constructive feedback

You can receive mentorship from industry professionals from most of our sponsors through the work sessions and develop the project with constructive feedback.

Develop a strong project piece

Had enough of projects for hypothetical situations for classes? Develop a solid project piece to include on your resume or portfolio from the real world.

Our Sponsors

Event Timeline

School Week Date Event Name Open to public? Required for participants?
Week 2 Jan 10 Intro + Team formation Public Not Required
Week 4 Jan 24 Problems + Solutions Public Not Required
Week 4 Jan 26 Decisions + Prototyping Public Not Required
Week 5 Feb 1 Work Session 1 Teams only Required
Week 6 Feb 9 Validation + Iteration Public Not Required
Week 7 Feb 15 Work Session 2 Teams only Required
Week 8 Feb 21 Final Presentation Public Required

Event Participation Steps


Form a team and fill out the RSVP Form. The priority of selecting company proposed projects will be given on first RSVP first base. All information from the RSVP Form will go into a resume book that companies will use to further reach out. Teams should be no more than 5 people and we strongly encourage teams to have members from different disciplines.

The deadline of the RSVP Form will be 11:59PM on Jan 13, Friday.


On Jan 14, Saturday at 2AM, a Project Form will be sent out to all event participant to pick company proposed projects in order of preference, or to propose a project of their own.

The deadline for the Project Form will be 11:59PM on Jan 15, Sunday.

Receive the project you will be working on

This is only applicable to teams that work on company proposed projects.

During Jan 16 - 17, we will match the company projects and the teams based on mutual preference.

We will send out the decision on Jan 18, Wednesday.


For all event participants, it is required to attend the two work sessions and the final presentation.

For those who work on company proposed projects, the teams need to submit two deliverables before the final presentation, one for work session 1, one for work session 2.

The deadline for the first deliverable will be 11:59PM on Jan 31, Tuesday.

The deadline for the second deliverable will be 11:59PM on Feb 14, Tuesday.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can come to the event?

Everyone and anyone can be an Event Attendee! However, to be an Event Participant, you must fill out a RSVP Form. As a participant you will have access to the two work sessions with company mentors.

What is the time commitment and do I have to attend all the events?

To be an event participant, your team needs to attend both work sessions and the final presentation. But we will encourage you to take advantage of the awesomeness we are offering you and attend as many events as possible.

How are teams formed?

You find your own team members that you would like to work with! But we encourage you to work in a team with people from diverse backgrounds. We might have team formation events to facilitate this process. Teams are limited to no more than 5 members.

Do I need to be a designer to participate?

Nope! If you like our event, want to learn about design, are eager to tackle a real world company sponsored project with constructive feedback from company mentors, come out and have fun with us!

Are the companies hiring?

Yes, yes and yes! One big incentive for the companies to invest their time and money to become our sponsor is to recruit the best talents! So take this opportunity to network for pete’s sake! We cannot stress this enough. This is your chance to have face-to-face time with industry mentors with no risk to yourself. Work hard, prove you care, show them what you can do! This is an amazing chance for you to score an internship or full time job.

Is there going to be a prize?

Judging will be based on a combination of your process throughout the event and your final solution presentation. For each individual project, companies will lay out their own project, requirements and specifics about the deliverables in the project sheet.

There is no 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in this event. There are only awards from individual sponsors. The company prize(s) can be awarded to any team, not limited to those with their specific project.

What do I do if I do not have a resume or portfolio?

Uh, make one. Seriously! Have a generic Squarespace template is better than nothing. Take a weekend to just hash it out. If you need help, want critique, need examples, reach out to the Pixel Husky officers and we gotcha!

Can I get personal help one on one?

Yes, yes and yes! We will implement an “office hour” system for you to receive critiques from a board of mentors, including Pixel Husky officers. We will lay out all mentor info, and you can choose the mentors you want to talk to. Submit your appointment request here

If you want one-on-one help from any industry mentor, talk to him/her yourself. Pixel Husky is not responsible for arranging that.

What is the skill level needed?

None! That is the beauty of the Pixel Project. We are geared towards teaching and strengthening problem solving skills. We want you to be able to learn and not feel inadequate or ill-equipped to come up with a strong project solution. If you have the drive to learn, you will come out with not only strong employable skills, but a kick-ass portfolio piece as well!

What if I do not like my team?

That is a problem….do not hesitate to reach out to Pixel Husky officers and voice your concerns. We will keep your concerns confidential but we will definitely look into the situation and but realistically we can’t do anything about it. In the real world you won’t always work with an ideal team, and that is a part of the challenge of this event. Not only do you have to be wise about picking your teammates, but you must also learn to work together and communicate problems with each other. It is an uncomfortable situation, but a crucial skill to have when working in the workforce.

Is there any cost involved?

Not unless you want there to be.

What if I want to drop out in the middle?

Don’t. Why don’t you love us? Baby come back. But real talk, we understand that you may lose interest in the project or that you can’t make the time commitment, but we highly discourage it. This event gives you high visibility to employers and dropping a project midway looks unprofessional and reflects poorly on you. Mentors are taking the time to come out and guide you through the project and other students are also creating the time to participate so this is a decision you should think seriously about. If you want to drop, that’s okay, just talk to your team and let us know. We’re sad to see you go :(

Get in touch

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